
Filet Bookmark

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The sample for this bookmark is crocheted with FILET #1

Size :24x33 cm ( 9.5" x 13 " )

Additional Stitches: ch, sc, picot (3 ch, sc in first ch)

Material: Pearl cotton 5# , hook 1.60 mm (Bates steel #7) ; you can substitute with Cebelia #10 or equivalent cordonnet thread (but the gauge can slightly vary);visit my virtual store if you need materials.

Difficulty: easy


Start with 95 ch.

Row 1. Dc in 8th ch from hook (7 chs = 2 ch + dc + 2 ch), *ch 2, sk 2 ch, dc in next ch* Repeat * to * 28 times more: 30 empty squares.

Rows 2-21 . Proceed following the diagram

At the end of row 21, cut thread.

Border: Join in on of 4 corners, crochet sc in corner dc, 5 ch, tr in next dc, picot, 5 ch, (sc in next dc, 5 ch, tr in next dc, picot, 5 ch)*. Repeat * to * all around the doily.

N.B. Substitute first dc with 3 ch; for a filet primer, with increase and decrease explanations, go here

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©Patrizia Pisani, 1998-2007

Last updated on Tuesday 13 June 2017 06:17:19