Comments: Here is my version of a great classic. This one is a little doily, I just wanted to try it, furthermore the pansies are joined to the doily sewing them and I know most crocheters do not like to sew.... but I hope you like it anyway. I just started a new pansy design, if it will be nice I will put it as soon as I will finish it.
Size :20 cm (8 inches) diameter, pansies included
Material :Thread "Perle'" no. 12, white and red; in alternative you can try Cebelia 20 or 30, but the gauge will vary. Hook mm 1.0 (US steel #11);
Stitches :ch, sl st, sc, dc, tr
Crochet 12 pansies as in pattern Yet Another Pansy
Start with 10 ch, join in first ch
1. 1 ch, 16 sc in ring ; join with sl st to first st. 1, *sc in next sc, 5 ch, sk 1 sc*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
3.* sc in next sc, 2 sc in 5-ch sp, 5 ch* ; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
4.*sk 1 sc, (sc in next sc)twice, 2 sc in 5-ch sp, 5 ch*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
5.*sk 1 sc, (sc in next sc)3 times, 2 sc in 5-ch sp, 5 ch*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
6.*sk 1 sc, (sc in next sc)4 times, 2 sc in 5-ch sp, 5 ch*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
7.*sk 1 sc, (sc in next sc)5 times, 2 sc in 5-ch sp, 5 ch*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
8.*sk 1 sc, (sc in next sc)6 times, 2 sc in 5-ch sp, 5 ch*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
9.*sk 1 sc, (sc in next sc)7 times, 2 sc in 5-ch sp, 5 ch*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
10.*sk 1 sc, (sc in next sc)8 times, 2 sc in 5-ch sp, 5 ch*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
11.*sk 1 sc, (sc in next sc)9 times, 2 sc in 5-ch sp, 5 ch*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st. =>8 grps of 11 sc
12.5 ch, *sk a sc, (sc in next sc) 9 times, ch 5, sc in 5-ch sp, ch 5*; Repeat * to * 6 times more, sk a sc, (sc in next sc) 9 times, ch 5, sc in 5-ch sp,join with sl st to first st.
13.*sk a sc, (sc in next sc)7 times, (ch 5, sc in next sp)2 times, ch 5*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
14.*sk a sc, (sc in next sc)5 times, (ch 5, sc in next sp)3 times, ch 5*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
15.*sk a sc, (sc in next sc)3 times, (ch 5, sc in next sp)4 times, ch 5*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, join with sl st to first st.
16. *sk a sc, sc in next sc, (ch 5, sc in next sp)5 times, ch 5*; Repeat * to * 7 times more, finish with 5 ch, sc in sp before 1st sc.
17. *ch 6, sc in next lp* all around; finish with 3 ch, dc in first ch.
18.*ch 6, sc in next lp* all around; finish with 3 ch, dc in first ch.
19.*ch 6, sc in next lp* all around; finish with 3 ch, dc in first ch.
20. *ch 7, sc in next lp* all around; finish with 3 ch, dc in first ch.Cut thread.
Sew center little petal of pansies to doily evenly around with a hidden stitch. (Look at Photo for help)
Edging Round:.
Join White in center st of little petal at left of joined petal, *(sc in next sc) 7 times, on next petal (sc in between next sts)12 times, on next petal (sc in between next sts)15 times, on next petal (sc in next sc) 8 times, sc in center st of little petal at left of joined petal in next pansy*. Repeat *to* 12 times, joining with sl st in first sc. Cut and weave
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